Spending money can become a habit, but you can just as easily develop savings as a good money habit. Save something every day. A little bit everyday makes spending a habit and a regular practice. You can start small – put $5 in your emergency fund every day or every week. Or, take out all the change from your pockets at the end of every day and put it in a jar you can cart to the bank once a week. A little every day can really add up. Two dollars a day – what most of us spend without thinking about it – can add up to over $60 a month.
Develop something you can do instead of spending. Smokers who want to quit are often told to chew gum or fiddle with pens as a substitute for smoking. If you have a habit of shopping when you are bored, you need to develop new habits. Make a list of things you can do when you are bored (things that are free) and post it where it is visible. Then, when you feel like shopping do one of the other things on your list instead. Stay away from spending temptations. Looking at catalogues, online stores or window-shopping can sabotage your best budget intentions. Only shop when you absolutely need to and avoid ads and stores when you’re not shopping.